

Since the sun is sort of shining here in Toronto, we thought ice cream time!!!! Here is a low carb, high protein version. If you are following any of the BMBB Body Beautiful Diet this would equal to 1P and 1F.
Enjoy! (serves 2)

  • 1 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Da Vinci Syrup* (I used SF Coconut) – you can get it here
  • 2 Tablespoons Unsweetened Coconut, Toasted
  • 2 Tablespoons Sugar Free Caramel Sauce* (try Waldon Farms)

Toppings: More SF Caramel Sauce and more Toasted Coconut and a Maraschino Cherry (optional)

Mix together almond milk, protein, sugar free syrup & sauce. Use a blender on high setting to mix. Pour into ice cream maker*. Follow your machine’s instructions for freezing. Makes 1/2 pint.

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, no problem! After you blend all of the ingredients together, and place everything in a covered container. Place container in the freezer and stir mixture every half hour until it reaches desired consistenc.

Enjoy guilt free!

* Use in moderation (keep in mind that these sugar free syrups are not natural and you should really only use a tiny bit) Can substitute for Liquid Stevia instead as well (many flavors are available from SweetLeaf brand).

About the Author: Ana Plenter


Ana Plenter is a an Award Winning Personal Trainer, Fitness Competitor & Competition Coach and the Founder of Build My Body Beautiful & Body Beautiful Fitness

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