

During our last Body Transformation Challenge in April 2013 our girls were working out hard and were following a strict, but balanced nutrition guideline. Well, after it was over they saw some incredible changes; some were able to do over 30 pushups (off their feet), some lost dozens of inches and some dropped over 30 pounds of bodyfat. What’s more incredible is that they were able to do all that within just 8 weeks! If you haven’t been following our updates from the last challenge click here to check it out.

Since then we have received many inquiries to bring the Challenge back, and guess what? It’s on! This fall, we decided to organize another Body Transformation Challenge. We also decided that this time we can extend it for an extra 3 weeks to get our ladies in an amazing shape for the holidays. If that weren’t enough, we also thought that it would be almost unfair to the people who are not able to train with us in Toronto. Soooo, the BMBB Transformation Challenge WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE! Yes, you will receive an opportunity to transform your body and lose belly fat, tone up your arms and look HOT for the winter holidays just like our ladies here in Toronto. Click here for more details.

Another cool feature that has been added to this Fall’s Transformation Challenge is that after you sign up to it, you will also get a list of natural supplements that will aid your fat loss, that will be delivered right to your doorstep and you will also get up to 15% discount when you order them!

So, if you are looking for a gym/trainer/bootcamp/diet that will help you to lose weight, be healthy and stay on track, without yo-you dieting, you came to the right place. We will provide you with all the tools that will guarantee your success. But hurry up, our October classes are almost full so sign up now to reserve your spot.

Fulfill your 2014 New Year’s Resolution in 2013!

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