

Hey Ladies,

At BMBB we work tirelessly to help you get results. We know that fitness does not only improve your health, drops inches and turns you into a sexy head turner, but also increases your confidence, reduces your stress levels and allows you to do the things that make you happy.

One of our Build n Burn bootcampers, Sarah, has just come back from from a trip to Machu Picchu in Peru. Here is what she wrote to us:

“Hi Ana and Ivan! Hope you are both doing well.

I am back from my month adventure, and wanted to thank you for all the mountain climbers you made me do because they were needed!!

Attached is a photo of me at Machu Picchu, right after a 4 day hike to get there (42 km’s up mountains, down mountains, around mountains on the Inca Trail) in my Build and Burn shirt!! We were always the fastest hikers, and were one of the first people to get to Machu Picchu, so I owe you guys a thanks for making me so fit 🙂 We opted to carry our full backpacks the whole time, instead of paying a porter to carry it. It was a real workout, and with 19 lbs on my back the whole time – even harder!”

It is so rewarding and touching to hear that from our clients, to see their eyes shine with happiness, and to see them loving their new bodies.

Thank you Sarah for your warm words, you worked hard and you deserve it!

About the Author: Ana Planter


Ana Plenter is a Award Winning Personal Trainer, Fitness Competitor & Competition Coach and the Founder of Build My Body Beautiful & Body Beautiful Fitness

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