


Let’s Talk About Meal Prep

The key to a healthy, fit, lean body is to make clean, home cooked meals as much as possible. However, it can be quite a challenge if you work all day and are out of steam when the dinner hour hits. Most people find the solution to this problem in ordering food or eating at a restaurant. However, this option is not ideal, as food like this is usually loaded with sugar, preservatives and other unhealthy ingredients.

Eating 5-6 meals made out of clean, whole foods accelerates your metabolism and makes your weight loss much more manageable. However, with all the daily chaos, you are lucky if you eat one home cooked meal, never mind 4-6! Who in the world has the time to make so many meals from scratch all the time? It would mean that you would spend… about 2-3 hours in the kitchen every day!

Staying organized is the key and cooking in bulk is perhaps the best way to organize your meals for the entire week, spending only 2-3 hours A WEEK on cooking. Once you have all the food prepped, all that’s left to do is put in the containers and bring it with you to work!

In this video we decided to make it easier for you and show you how we keep organized throughout the week!


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