

The votes have been counted.


The results are in.

It’s official.

I’m pleased (and a bit humbled) to share that Build My Body Beautiful has won the Now Magazine Reader’s Choice Award for ‘Best Workout Studio’ – the second year in a row!

Here are two reasons why I think Now Magazine readers have been kind enough to give us this great compliment:

  1. Passion – no one is more passionate than we are about helping women get in the best shape possible, stop the vicious cycle of yo-yo diets and permanently take back control of their bodies.
  2. Focus – our focus is women.  We are women.  We know women’s bodies.  And we understand the kinds of challenges a woman faces.  That’s why we’ve been able to advise and be so successful in coaching 3,000+ Toronto women to achieve that lean, feminine physique they’ve always desired.
  3. Community – not only is our team made up of Toronto’s best personal trainers, but our BMBB clients are truly amazing. These women provide so much support to one another, empower new clients to keep going, and no one ever feels left out. I am not sure how we do it, but I am so happy to see so many unbelievable friendships that have been built here over the years.

I’m not gonna lie…

Awards are pretty sweet.

But that’s not why we do what we do.

If you ask any member of my team they’ll tell you we live for that moment when our clients give us a big hug and say thank you, you changed my life.

I feel blessed to have such an amazing, strong team behind me, and that we get to work with amazing and loyal clients. We hope to change many more lives!

THANK YOU BMBB COMMUNITY FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Thank you to NOW Magazine for this opportunity.

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About the Author: Ana Plenter

Ana Plenter is a an Award Winning Personal Trainer, Fitness Competitor & Competition Coach and the Founder of Build My Body Beautiful & Body Beautiful Fitness


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