
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workout Finisher

Workouts shouldn’t be long and boring, after all it’s not how long you spend at the gym that matters – it’s how hard you train. In fact, shorter but intense workouts are a lot more effective than long, light ones.

Adding weight training is one of the best weight loss strategies, but today, we want to show you a little trick that a lot of fitness competitors use to burn some extra calories in about 10 minutes AFTER their workouts. A 2-3 HUNDRED extra calories to be a more exact.

The Metabolic Finisher is just a fancy name for a high intensity interval training (HIIT) routine that is added at the end of your weight training session.

The benefit – it adds an additional metabolic boost, but takes a lot less time than the traditional (slow paced cardio). In other words, you do less to burn more and that’s how any workout should be – short and to the point.

In this video Ivan demonstrates one of his Metabolic Finishers that will leave you panting and sweating.

Want more ideas? Try getting through these routines:
1) 20 Jumping Lunges, 20 Ball Slams, 20 Frog Jumps, 20 Push Ups, 50 Bicycle Crunches
2) 75 burpees as fast as you can
3) 50 Push ups, 50 Jumping Squats and 50 Jack Knives (check out this video)

About the Author: Ana Plenter


Ana Plenter is a an Award Winning Personal Trainer, Fitness Competitor & Competition Coach and the Founder of Build My Body Beautiful & Body Beautiful Fitness


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