

Discovering the Benefits of Professional Coaching

Professional coaching is a fantastic way to learn new exercises and get an amazing workout. Anyone serious about attaining fitness goals should consider hiring a fitness coach. A skilled fitness professional provides tons of motivation, accountability, and guidance. As a fitness coach myself, people often wonder why I would ever pay for coaching. Here are five reasons why even a fitness coach needs coaching!

Why Do You Need Professional Coaching?

I hear this question a lot when I tell friends that I have a fitness coach, even though I am a certified fitness professional myself. Those who know I’m a bit of a cheapskate are even more surprised. I know what I’m doing, so why not save the money, right?

The truth is, many of us in the fitness industry also need a professional to push our limits from time to time. This is one expense I always feel is worth it. My track record as a fitness professional and a registered dietitian has left many of my clients enjoying fantastic results. I love what I do and am good at it, but I realize that I do not know everything and never intend to stop learning.

Top Five Reasons Why I Invest in Professional Coaching


1. Motivation

I like to think I’m already self-motivated, but I never push myself as hard as my coach does. It’s human nature to try to avoid pain, and inflicting it on ourselves always meets some mental resistance. A good coach knows how hard you can work and will motivate you to get there, even when your brain is saying, “um, no, we’re done here.”

2. Accountability

There are days when I’d rather stay in bed than complete 100 lunges. Fortunately, those days often coincide with scheduled coaching sessions. There’s no way I’m going to waste the money I’ve invested in that appointment, so not only do I go when I really don’t want to, but I’m also guaranteed to put in a full hour of effort. How often have you missed a planned workout, just because?

3. Education

Exercise science is always evolving, and even the most qualified professionals can benefit from learning from others. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a gym newbie, you can always discover new and better ways to do things, and more importantly, things to stop doing! (Remember when everyone was wearing those “butt toning” sneakers?)

4. Safety

One of the best ways to get stronger is lifting to failure (i.e., doing reps until your legs turn into wobbly blobs of jelly). Developing said jelly legs with a loaded bar on your back all by your lonesome is an easy way to have a gym accident. I enjoy being able to attempt one last squat without worrying if my legs are up to the task. I know my trusty coach has my back (literally)!

5. Encouragement

You’re more likely to stick with a training program when people notice your progress, and no one pays more attention than your coach. A good coach will get excited about your progress since it’s a sign they’re doing their job well. Some days I may feel like I’m not developing as fast as I want to, but when my coach points out improvements in my physique or strength, it really helps me to keep going.

Achieve Your Goals with Professional Coaching

Professional coaching is an incredibly effective way to achieve fitness goals and gain valuable education about exercise. Think of how much closer you’ll get to your dream body with the right support! Get a free consultation with me or one of my fantastic teammates to find out how our programs can work for you.



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