

I always spend time to teach my clients to perform back exercises properly, as having a strong back will prevent tons of injuries and increase your overall strength. Plus it looks amazing in an open back dress and tank tops!

But many people have been telling me that when they perform back exercises, like pull downs or seated rows, they do not feel their back muscles engaging. Therefore, I decided to shoot a video tutorial showing a proper technique, so that you are never left guessing about what to do with this machine at the gym.

The lat pull down is one of the best exercises that will help you lean out your back and make it stronger, tone up your arms and improve your posture significantly. Follow these steps to get it right:

1. Sit down and slide your hips ALL THE WAY IN, until your hip bones are against the pads that hold your thighs down. This is so that you sit tightly and your butt doesn’t rise off the seat.
2. Secure your thighs with the pads tightly.
3. BEFORE YOU PULL DOWN THE HANDLES, squeeze your shoulder blades, slide them down and puff your chest forward.
4. Start moving the weight down, while maintaining the same posture.
5. LEAD WITH YOUR ELBOWS, not the hands. Keep your chest up and maintain the same posture described in step 3.
6. Once you have moved the handles all the way down, and they are touching your upper chest, pause for 1 at the bottom.
7. Start moving the handles up, to their initial position. DO IT SLOWLY, counting 2-3 seconds on the way up.

You should get a (pleasant) burning sensation in your upper back and lats (upper back, to the sides). Make sure to exhale on the way down and inhale on the way up. If you feel it in your neck or traps, that means you are shrugging, make sure to slide your shoulders, as far as possible away from your ears.

About the Author: Ana Plenter


Ana Plenter is a an Award Winning Personal Trainer, Fitness Competitor & Competition Coach and the Founder of Build My Body Beautiful & Body Beautiful Fitness

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