Fitness Tracking Devices


This year, fitness manufacturers are focusing on tracking your progress through the cool looking fitness gadgets. Have they run out of ideas for new exercise tools or just taking a break? Who knows, but one thing is sure, we have been introduced to more than enough fitness equipment over the years and are in a desperate need to keep track of our fitness activities.

Within just a few months, the market got flooded with the funky little gadgets that would track anything from the distances you walk to your sleep patterns. The options are endless; FitBit Flex, MIO Alpha, Nike+ FuelBand and Misfit Shine are just to name a few. But aside from just tracking, these devices play a much bigger role in one’s fitness journey.

1) Develop Better Habits. Deciding to lead a healthy lifestyle means replacing your unhealthy habits for healthy ones, which requires constant motivation. You can get a great deal of guidance from your personal trainer and motivation in your boot camp class, but what happens during the hours when you are not around the gym? Getting in shape is not a one-hour-a-day endeavour, you should be working on yourself 24/7. Fitness tracking devices nudge you towards being more active on a daily basis.

2) Provide Constant Feedback. Getting immediate positive feedback is the most effective way to form a habit. Any FitBit or FuelBand is able to tell you how many steps you have left to reach your daily goal and congratulate you when you do. Immediate feedback reinforces behavior, and eventually forms habits. And healthy habits lead to a healthy lifestyle.

3) Set Goals. It’s great if you have joined a boot camp and started to eat healthier, but you also should know exactly why you are doing all this for. It is important to have a clear goal that you are working towards and track your progress to see how close you are to achieving it. Fitness trackers will help you to set goals and make daily changes in your routine.

4) Social Aspect. It is much harder to make progress, when you are alone than it is when you have a strong support system. We always compare ourselves to others, this is just the way our brains are wired and when we have a network of friends that are doing the same thing as us, we are never alone on our fitness journey. In fact, exercising and eating healthy becomes more fun when we try to beat our friends at it!

Tracking everything you do at the gym and in the kitchen is an amazing way to break through plateaus and get better results, in general. Fitness trackers do just that and they will also make you look like a pro – kind of like an athletic jewelry.


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